Communication and Grievance Mechanism

Communication and Grievance Mechanism




Communication and Grievance Mechanism

Communication and Grievance Mechanism


The Company has high-quality employees, and the business philosophy and management policies are clearly and actually implemented. The Company has established various internal communication channels, including the labor-management conference, Employee Welfare Committee, the executive board meetings, and others. Over the years, the labor and the management have been able to operate satisfactorily under the respect of the labor-management ethics. In 2022, there were no major labor disputes.

Onshore personnel

Internal Communication


The employees are important assets of the Company, and a harmonious labor-management relationship is also the solid cornerstone of the Company to step toward sustainable management. We are dedicated to creating a safe, healthy, physically and mentally balanced working environment where human rights are respected, and employees are free from discrimination and harassment. We also provide diversified communication channels to listen to the employees’ voice.

Labor-management Conferences


The Company does not have trade union. Labor-management conferences are held on a quarterly basis as prescribed by law. Each conference consists of three management representatives and three labor representatives to ensure smooth progress of the meeting so as to protect the employees’ legitimate rights and interests, facilitate employees’ understanding of the Company’s operating and important policies, and further to coordinate labor relations for strengthened cooperation.

Employee Welfare Committee


To promote the labor-management relations, provide employees with additional benefits and subsidies when encountered with special circumstances, Shih Wei Navigation has set up the Employee Welfare Committee in accordance with law to provide employees with wedding/funeral/maternity allowance, injury, and illness subsidy, scholarship, etc., and hold birthday parties regularly with birthday cash gifts. In addition, on special holidays, group activities and competitions are arranged based on the background of holidays or festivals to enhance team spirit and e-cards are sent to improve the bond among employees so as to strengthen the spirit of cooperation.

Exchanges of Opinions


We encourage our employees to communicate more often with the management via various methods and channels. Designated hotlines and communication mailboxes are set up for different matters so that employees’ voice can be heard and responded to.

Human Resources:(02)8712-1888 ext.213
Occupational Safety and Health: (02)8712-1888 ext.210, 226
Sustainability Development:(02)8712-1888 ext.225

Employee Communication:
Board of

Grievance Mechanism


To create a working environment free from sexual harassment, the Measures of Prevention, Complaint and Punishment of Sexual Harassment have been established. When the employees or job applicants encounter sexual harassment incidents in the workplace, they can file a complaint via the dedicated mailbox and hotline.

According to the "Occupational Safety and Health Act," anyone who witnesses or hears about workplace violence incidents can file a complaint through the designated complaint mailbox and hotline. Upon receiving the complaint, the investigation will be conducted in a confidential manner. If the investigation confirms the veracity of the complaint, appropriate disciplinary actions will be taken.

Hotline: (02)8712-6686

The Company will handle relevant incidents in accordance with the handling procedures of the measures mentioned above. The investigation results will be sent to the complainant, and the case will be properly handled and closed. There were no received complaint cases in 2022.


Sea crews

On-board Complaint Procedures


To ensure fair, effective, and prompt handling of complaints alleging violations of the requirements of the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC) that may infringe upon the rights of seafarers, Shih Wei Navigation has established the following procedures to comply with the MLC and the laws of Taiwan (Republic of China, R.O.C.) (applied for R.O.C.-registered ships) and Panama (applied for Panama-registered ships):

  1. At the time of signing the employment contract, all seafarers shall be introduced to and provided with information about the "On-board Complaint Procedures" of the company, along with relevant contact information. A copy of the "On-board Complaint Procedures" should also be displayed in public areas on the vessel for seafarers' reference
  2. Seafarers may submit any complaints related to alleged violations of MLC requirements in accordance with the "On-board Complaint Procedures."
  3. The "On-board Complaint Procedures" should seek to resolve complaints at the lowest level possible. However, in any case, seafarers have the right to directly lodge complaints with the master or, if necessary, with the appropriate external authorities
  4. The master has the capacity to provide impartial advice on seafarers' complaints on a confidential basis and assist seafarers in following the available on-board complaint procedures
  5. Any form of "retaliation" or "harassment" against seafarers who file complaints is prohibited. "Retaliation" or "harassment" includes any adverse actions taken against the seafarer for filing a complaint unless the complaint is clearly vexatious or malicious
  6. All complaints and the conclusions of such complaints should be documented on the "On-board Complaint Form," and copies of the records should be provided to the relevant seafarers for archiving. The master should keep the aforementioned documents in a dedicated file known as the "On-board Complaint Records Book

There were no seafarers' complaints in the year 2022.

In addition, in the event of accidents or incidents, there may be various negative impacts such as damage to the environment and habitats, damage to the company's reputation, and disruptions to operations. Shih Wei Navigation will take action according to the Safety Management System to minimize the impact of disasters. For details, please refer to Section 4.3 Occupational Safety and Health Management - Safety Management System of Shih Wei Navigation.