Audit Committee

Audit Committee


Corporate Governance

Audit Committee

Audit Committee


To effectively supervise the implementation status of the management team and establish various systems, the Board of Directors has established the Audit Committee to ensure shareholder rights and transparent company operations. The company established the Audit Committee on June 28, 2017, replacing the role of supervisors.

The Audit Committee consists of four independent directors and aims to assist the Board of Directors in overseeing the quality and integrity of the company's activities related to accounting, auditing, financial reporting processes, and financial controls.

  • The operation of the company's functional committees is reported by the law and regularly disclosed on the Taiwan Stock Exchange's Public Information Observation System.

Our company established the Audit Committee on June 28, 2017, with the following responsibilities:
(1) Fair presentation of the financial reports of this Corporation
(2) The hiring (and dismissal), independence, and performance of certificated public accountants of this Company
(3) The effective implementation of the internal control system of this Company
(4) Compliance with relevant laws and regulations by this company.
(5) Management of existing or potential risks of this Company

The Committee members shall exercise the due care of a good administrator and faithfully perform the duties prescribed in this Charter; they shall be accountable to the board of directors and shall submit their proposals to be resolved by the board.

The current Audit Committee consists of Mr. Chou, Chen-Shing, Independent Director; Mr. Ding, Yun-Kai, Independent Director; Mr. Chang, Tsang-Yao, Independent Director; and Ms. Shann, Shu-Jiun, Independent Director, serving as the third-term Audit Committee members of the company. Their term is from June 28, 2023, to June 27, 2026. Mr. Chou, Chen-Shing was elected by all committee members to serve as the convener and chairman of the meetings.


Attendance Record


The current term of the Audit Committee is from June 28, 2023, to June 27, 2026. To date, ten meetings have been held, and the attendance of the committee members is as follows (data recorded as of Aug 31, 2024):

Position Name Expected Attendance Count Actual / Frequency of Proxy Attendance Actual Attendance Rate (%)
Chair Chou, Chen-Shing 10 10/0 100
Committee Member Shann, Shu-Jiun 9 9/1 90
Committee Member Chang, Tsang-Yao 10 10/0 100
Committee Member Ding, Yun-Kai 10 10/0 100

  • The Remuneration Committees' operation is reported by law and regularly disclosed on the Taiwan Stock Exchange's Public Information Observation System.

Files List


Operation Status of the Previous (Second) Audit Committee



Operations of the Audit Committee in 2024



Operations of the Audit Committee in 2023
